Week 4 Presentation

Andrés Bishop

Average Daily Temperature

Average Daily Temperature of the cities of Barcelona, Reus and Tortosa in Spain using data from the DAILY GLOBAL HISTORICAL CLIMATOLOGY NETWORK (GHCN-DAILY) Version 3.22 of the NOAA National Climatic Data Center (http://doi.org/10.7289/V5D21VHZ),

day prcp tavg tmax tmin Station
2016-03-01 0 12.4 17.8 6.9 Reus
2016-03-02 0 16.6 22.5 6.7 Reus
2016-03-03 0 13.7 18.1 10.1 Reus
2016-03-04 0 12.1 18.4 5.4 Reus
2016-03-05 0 12.3 16.9 8.0 Reus
2016-03-06 0 11.3 16.7 6.1 Reus

Interactive plot

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